What is a verification of identity check?
The purpose of an identity check is to reduce the risk of fraud by requiring you to verify your identity as a buyer or seller and your authority to buy or sell the nominated land or property.
Who needs an identity check?
You should have your identity verified if you’re:
- buying land or property, or one of multiple purchasers buying land or property
- selling land or property, or one of multiple owners selling land or property
- transferring land or property to someone else, having land or property transferred to you, or one of multiple parties involved in the transfer of land or property
This applies to both paper and electronic property transactions.
How much does a VOI check cost?
The verification of identity service fee is $49 and payable to Australia Post. Fees can be paid by cash, EFTPOS, Visa or MasterCard. Cheques are not accepted.
How can Australia Post help?
To complete your identity check, head into a participating post office where we can:
- verify your identity
- take your photo (at no additional cost)
- witness your signature
- organise secure delivery of your information to your conveyancing practitioner
How to present your application at Australia Post
- Ensure you have the right identity documents for the highest possible category.
- Complete the Land Title Verification of Identity Form provided by your conveyancing practitioner. Do not sign the form. Your signature must be witnessed by an Australia Post Identity Verifier.
- Present your Verification of Identity Form and your correct identity documents at a participating post office. Find your closest participating post office or call 13 POST (13 76 78).
Download the Verifying your identity with Australia Post flyer
Acceptable identity documents
You should produce two original and current Category 1 documents (except for an expired Australian passport which has not been cancelled and was current in the preceding two years).
If you cannot satisfy Category 1 requirements, you must produce documents from the next highest category possible.
All your chosen identity documents must have matching personal information. If you’ve changed your name from that on an identity document, you’ll also need to provide a change of name document.
A NAATI translation is required for any passport, driver licences or birth certificate that isn’t in English.
How long is my verification of identity report valid for?
Your identity report is valid for 2 years from the date of verification3 but only with the conveyancing practitioner who requested it.
You’ll need to undergo another identity check for another land or property transaction:
- after this 2 year period, OR
- if you change conveyancing practitioners any time within the 2 year period
This applies for identity checks done at a post office or an Australian Consulate.
1 Must be a plastic Medicare card to be accepted.
2 Must be issued by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Documents issued by a celebrant will not be accepted.
3 In WA, verification of identity is required to be carried out twice where there is an ongoing relationship with the conveyancing practitioner, before being valid for the next two years.